Account level benchmarks – APM accounts benchmarks always match what the benchmark is set at the model level. Update: can now override via benchmark change request form. Email
Primary Benchmarks – IE the MGR Benchmark shown on reports. You can choose to hide via the primary benchmark on the general tab at the account level. Click the magnifying glass and search NONE
Secondary Benchmarks – IE the MMKT, S&P 500, etc shown on reports. You can choose to hide via a checkbox on the general tab at the account level
Sleeve Benchmarks – sleeve benchmarks cannot be edited after it has been attached to an account. Work around – create new sleeve and attach to model
Model benchmarks – when creating custom model benchmark, it must have same risk score as model. Also, if you want to change, you must add additional composition, however, it will NOT change the past performance of the benchmark, only going forward. Also, once the benchmark has been changed once, it cannot be changed again. Now can override at the account level via benchmark change request form. Email
Proposal Benchmarks – Can be updated in Proposal Benchmark BV. Currently set to product if it is an existing product. If it is custom, then benchmark is based off underlying holdings
Risk: benchmark related to the proposal risk score is shown in the proposal analytics and documents.
Product: The proposal documents and analytics system uses the configured product benchmarks
From underlying holding for advisor model only: (This is applicable only for APM and UMAv2 models) System creates a blended benchmark on-the-fly, based upon the target allocation of the underlying holdings of the APM/UMAv2 model
Enable Proxy Analysis – Gives you the ability to pull past performance of accounts based on current holdings. Go to the Analyze icon at the account level to view
Restarting performance on an account – Email